Paired with evangelism outreach, intentional, one-on-one relationships with children and their families are also the heart of we do at Metro World Child. 

Every single week around the world, whether it’s raining or shining, our dedicated Metro staff are out making home visits to children attending our Sunday School programs, as well as reaching out and building relationships with new children and their families also.  We believe that consistent personal visitation is the best avenue to share the love of God in a personal way.

We also know that tangible expressions of love, such as a much needed box of food at Thanksgiving or a specially wrapped Christmas present around the holidays, can go a long way in helping a child understand the love and goodness of God toward them.  That is why we have a number of initiatives that are a timely, practical expression of God’s love and care.

Christmas Stockings

Our Christmas Stocking Project is a very special initiative as each stocking is handmade by faithful volunteers from all around the United States. Christmas stockings are a unique way to make a NY child feel special this Christmas!

Operation Holiday Hope

Operation Holiday Hope is our largest evangelistic outreach of the year, where we reach over 200,000 children with the Christmas message and a Christmas gift.

Boxes of Love

At Thanksgiving, when you sponsor a Box of Love for a hungry child and their family, you’re showing God’s love in action through your generosity and the amazing gift of food!